Building contents
Table of contents
Create page
We can add post manually by adding new .MD file with the name of the post but there’s a quick way using jekyll-compose
Install jekyll-compose
Add the following line inside the Gemfile
gem 'jekyll-compose', group:[:jekyll_plugins]
Then in terminal run bundle
and this will install this plugin. Then add a post:
bundle exec jekyll page "The title of your page"
this will create
file, then you can edit it and adjust the Front matter
Create posts
We can also create post for blogging if your template has the post layout:
bundle exec jekyll post "Woohoo post"
This will create the
and to check the page, run the serve and URL structure will be /2020/02/20/woohoo-post.html
You can define the URL structure with categories on the front matter
and matched with the layout file.