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Drupal Custom Theme

Table of contents
  1. info.yml file
  2. Custom theme file structure
  3. Folder structure
  4. Steps to create custom theme (e.g. Bootstrap SASS)

info.yml file

Your theme name info.yml file will define the custom theme. This file should be located in your custom theme name folder. If your theme name is nasigoreng this hould be in /themes/custom/nasigoreng/

Example of a .info.yml file

name: Nasi Goreng
type: theme
description: Spicy Nasi Goreng Theme 
core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9
base theme: classy
screenshot: nasigoreng.png

  - nasigoreng/ig-css
  - nasigoreng/quicksand
  - nasigoreng/normalize

  header: Header
  highlighted: Highlighted
  help: Help
  content: Content
  sidebar_first: Left sidebar
  sidebar_second: Right sidebar
  front: Front page blocks
  footer: Footer
  page_top: Page top
  page_bottom: Page bottom

Following are the key value that are compulsory for the Required:

  • name (required)
  • type (required)
  • core (required, optional if you include core_version_requirement)
  • base theme (required in Drupal 9, optional for Drupal 8)


  • php (optional)
  • version (optional)
  • libraries (optional)
  • libraries-override (optional)
  • libraries-extend (optional)
  • hidden (optional)
  • engine (optional)
  • logo (optional)
  • screenshot (optional)
  • regions (optional)
  • regions_hidden (optional)
  • features (optional)
  • ckeditor_stylesheets (optional)

Custom theme file structure

|  |-modules
|  |-themes
|  |  |-bartik
|  |  |-seven
|  |-contrib
|  |  |-zen
|  |  |-basic
|  |  |-bluemarine
|  |-custom
|  |  |-nasigoreng

Folder structure

The folder and file structure of the custom themes

| |-install
  | |-nasigoreng.settings.yml
  | |-nasigoreng.schema.yml
  | |-style.css
  | |-nasigoreng.js
  | |-buttons.png
| |-maintenance-page.html.twig
| |-node.html.twig

Steps to create custom theme (e.g. Bootstrap SASS)

  1. Install the contributed theme as parent
    composer require drupal/bootstrap_barrio #as the parent

    this will install the theme under */themes/contrib/

  2. Install the starter kit
    composer require drupal/bootstrap_sass^[version] #installing the starter kit
  3. Navigate to the folder /themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass and run the npm install and gulp
    npm install --global gulp-cli #installing gulp-cli with NPM (ensure that you have installed the latest NPM)
    npm install #installing all the dependencies in the folder's package

    It’ll show you the progress:

    ─ user@macpro ~/dev/drupal-project/app/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass
    ╰─ gulp                                                                              ✔  6920  13:49:58 
    [13:50:07] Using gulpfile ~/dev/drupal-project/app/themes/contrib/bootstrap_sass/gulpfile.js
    [13:50:07] Starting 'default'...
    [13:50:07] Starting 'styles'...
    [13:50:10] Finished 'styles' after 3.48 s
    [13:50:10] Starting 'js'...
    [13:50:10] Starting 'serve'...
    [Browsersync] Proxying:
    [Browsersync] Access URLs:
        Local: https://localhost:3000
           UI: http://localhost:3001
     UI External: http://localhost:3001
    [Browsersync] 3 files changed (bootstrap.min.js, popper.min.js, barrio.js)
    [13:50:10] Finished 'js' after 140 ms
    [Browsersync] Reloading Browsers... (buffered 3 events)
    [13:51:28] Starting 'styles'...
    [Browsersync] Reloading Browsers...
    [Browsersync] 2 files changed (bootstrap.min.css, style.min.css)
    [13:51:32] Finished 'styles' after 3.89 s
    [13:56:32] Starting 'styles'...
  4. Duplicate the starter kit folder Once it’s all running with SASS, create a custom theme with your own style undr *\themes\custom\nasigoreng by copy pasting the starter kit folder above. Ensure to change the required filenmes and variables.
  5. Customise the themplate pages in TWIG under /themes/custom/nasigoreng/template/ folder