Using drush
For a complete use of drush commands run drush list
or visit documentation page on Command list Following are some random use of drush
I picked up, for complete list check out their website.
Drush list user
Not like WP CLI, Drush doesnt have the command to list all users but there’s a way to list based on the role. For example if you wish to list all of the administrator
drush uinf --uid=$(drush sqlq "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(entity_id) FROM user__roles WHERE roles_target_id = 'administrator'")
That will give you table of all administrator user role.
To list users from range of ID nubers e.g. 1-200:
drush user:information --uid="$(echo {1..200},|sed -e 's/ //g')"
Using drush
within DDEV system
If you are working on local with DDEV, you will have to add ddev at the front of
ddev drush pm:list
Otherwise it will return error connecting database:
Command pm:list was not found. Drush was unable to query the database. As a result, many commands are unavailable. Re-run
your command with --debug to see relevant log messages.
Using drush sql-cli
drush sql-cli
or drush sqlc
give you a session on the SQL query and search on the tables available.
To use the local drush
session use the following:
./bin/drush sql-cli
# instead of just
drush sql-cli
This will give you the SQL session:
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 10380892
Server version: 10.3.27-MariaDB MariaDB Server
Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
Start searching with some genral SQL queries
to list all table:
show tables;
Note that this will be a very big list if you have a big website
to search table with some terms use like '%[term]%';
show tables like '%path%';
If you are looking for any tables that contains url
term on them. Dont miss the semicolon (;) The result should be a list tables with url on them
| Tables_in_wi_cdu_sandbox (%path%) |
| path_table_set |
| irawan_path__background_colour |
| irawan__table_with_path |
| path_alias |
| path_alias_revision |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
to see the list a specific table
Listing all of path_alias
or URL on the website
select*from path_alias
Then you will have the list of all of the URLs on your website. You can narrow it down by selecting the type with CONCAT
Listing all URL with content types:
select nid, type, alias from node_field_data nfd inner join path_alias ua on CONCAT('/node/', nid) = path;
| nid | type | alias |
| 391 | basic | /home |
| 443 | basic | /about |
| 444 | basic | /contact |
| 445 | blog | /the-healthy-nasi-goreng |
| 447 | blog | /my-experience-eating-nasi-goreng |
| 391 | blog | /nasi-goreng-is-great |
| 443 | blog | /about-nasi-goreng |
| 444 | blog | /where-can-i-buy-nasi-goreng |
| 445 | blog | /the-healthy-nasi-goreng |
| 447 | blog | /my-experience-eating-nasi-goreng |